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About me

Hi! I’m Marina, Founder of Coachiba.

I am an entrepreneur, proud mum of two kids, and during the workdays “home alone” with the children. My uniqueness is the combined expertise and experience of career coaching, business coaching and family coaching! In addition I use this expertise to consult companies and (women) networks and offer keynote speeches. And I live what I train – in regards to kids and career and of course also in regards to parenting approaches!

My profound experience lies in leading and facilitating change: at the age of 28 I became manager in the automotive industry and started leading international change processes. Afterwards, I joined KPMG in the business consulting sector (as manager with procura) for transformations for seven years.

My oldest alias “thunderstorm” brought totally new challenges to my life. Therefore I invested in a 2.5-year education as systemic family coach… 2022 I built the Coachiba GmbH and follow my passion to live and facilitate a career with kids and accompany personal transformations.

Which changes in my life were the biggest challenges for me?

Coachiba Coaching benefits
From businesswoman to mum and back to businesswoman with kids!

Beeing the queen of perfect planning … my kids introduced a totally new world to me: 24/7 under external control. This was a tough learning process for myself. My kids led me through it starting with a long wait before becoming pregnant, complications throughout the pregnancy, premature birth and much more. It seemed as if nothing regarding my parenthood would go the usual way…

Now I live my personal goal, to be the best possible mum for my kids, whilst maintaining an extraordinary and successful career.

Coachiba Coaching benefits
Accepting tranquility!

I absolutely love input, change and a diverse lifestyle. For a long period of time everything I did had to be “better, faster, higher and more intense”.

Having lived in six countries, finished my Master at the age of 21 with distinction, led international teams and projects and was successful in competitive sports. I defined myself via my success.

It was a journey to learn, that I can also be a patient, calm and understanding mom and business woman with strong roots!

Coachiba Coaching benefits
Giving up securities!

Even with a really great position and flexible employer… I wanted to see my idea “Coachiba” go live.

As I don’t do things by halves! I invested my savings into myself and my business and went all in…

Coachiba Coaching benefits
Let kids be kids!

I had the clearest vision of what “kids have to be like” and how parenting works BEFORE I became a mom.

… overcome sleepless nights, remove the expectations you project onto your kids, find solutions for a child that refuses to go to kindergarden and really suffers in a given system, evaluate alternative schools, living in a loving flow with high need children, providing fair solutions for siblings …

Basically I could write many more things that my kids tought me already, but the most important is, they keep teaching me every day! And every day they definitely test if I really practice what I teach within the family coaching… 😉

What adds up to my coaching personality?

Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
2.5-year education as systemic family coach.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
Experience with intellectual giftedness, high sensibility and high need kids.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
15 years professional experience in management, consulting and as entrepreneur (with and without kids).
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits

International experiences including business expatriations.

Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
Profound mentoring experience.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
Managing international remote teams and experience with new work.
Eltern und Karriere Coaching
Proven methodolody and sensitivity when analysing your current situation and challenges.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
Individual approaches that guide you to design your own solutions and changes for existing challenges.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
Plus, the passion to strengthen and accompany you to go and implement your goals and changes successfully.
Eltern und Karriere Coaching
Attention and power of observation that allows me to uncover hidden chances.
Eltern und Karriere Coaching
Unlimited positive energy, that will pass on to you.
Marina Bernardo Coaching Benefits
By the way, I have grown up in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, therefore most austrian and swiss German dialects don’t cause an issue. And having lived in the UK and worked internationally for the majority of my business life, makes me more than comfortable to work with native or non native English-speakers.

If you want to learn more about my offer in English, please visit my B2B page. There you can also find applicable information as a private customer, i.e. my coachings, topics I address and my work philosophy. 

So far you have learned a lot about me. Howewer you are here for a reason, so as from now, it all is about YOU! What is your current situation and which challenges do you face?

I am looking forward to learn more about you!

You have questions? Let’s speak!

Marina Bernardo

Proud mum & entrepreneur

You want to know more?

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